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PKF US-German virtual summit


The PKF network’s second virtual US-German Summit took place recently, organised by US member firm Mueller & Co. Various PKF member firms in the US and Germany attended, following on from the inaugural virtual summit in October 2020. Set up in 2018, these summits were created with the primary focus of promoting US-German collaboration and identifying necessary steps to strengthen the US-German PKF relationship.

After a brief overview of the current political situation following Biden’s inauguration, the summit considered comparisons between the measures taken by the US and Germany to deal with Covid-19, and the impact that the pandemic had had on the economy and travel in both countries. The meeting also included expert presentations and discussions on PKF's legal advisory services in Germany, as well as investment structures in the real estate sector for both regions.

In this summit, more than 20 participants from the US and Germany attended. It is hoped that a face-to-face meeting will be set up soon, and this is likely to take place in New York. 

David J. Nissen, CEO/President of Mueller & Co, commented, saying: “It was a wonderful collaboration of the highest quality CPA firms in the world that are committed to transatlantic services.” 

Read about previous summits
Watch a video about the 2019 summit